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Welcome to

An E-Vroom!

(this one's for 

an "I HATE COVID-19" feeling)

Beat up covid e-Vroompsd.jpg


This is an e-Vroom for HATING COVID-19.

Sometimes we feel better when we draw out how we feel.

There are different pages in this e-Vroom.

1. The E-Vroom.  Use your imagination to draw about your feeling.

2. Weapons page. Color or create weapons to zap COVID-19!   

3. "HOW MUCH?"pages. You can show how much of a feeling you are having by coloring!             Having a BIG feeling? Download 4 extra pages! (or make your own and keep drawing!)         4. My STORY. Write a story about the day COVID-19 is gone!

5. A "DESTROY ME!" page. Draw COVID... then destroy it; along with your art!                                                                                                                                                  (optional!)























When your e-Vroom art is done YOU can decide what you want to do.

IF YOUR ART FEELS PRIVATE; Fold it up, put it away or put it in a secret place.

IF YOU WANT SOMEONE TO SEE: Share your art with a grown up.

                                                                            (Tips for adults to talk about art) 


         IF YOU WANT MORE PEOPLE TO SEE: Post your art to THE GALLERY!

         You are not the only person having emotions about COVID-19 right now. 

         Your art will be in the GALLERY until the following Sunday with your initials!               And you can look at art that other people are making too!




Anything you do is fine!

Any way you do it is fine!

Beat up covid weapons.jpg
Beat up covid e-Vroompsd.jpg
Beat up covid story psd.jpg

click to download

4 extra 



This is what your pages will look like!

destroy me page.jpg
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